torsdag 2 juli 2015

yes - it' s here

Last week we still had temperatures 13-17 and not much had happened in the vegetableplot, but now it is +29,7 C in shadow. So hopefully I soon can eat my own early potatoes. Just now the only vegetable I can pick up is Spinach.
 Cats don´t like the hot weather. They stop eating and hide themselves under bushes and other cooler places. Last week when it was only 16-20 C both Cats followed me when I did some gardening and one day Mizu-the mothercat had decided to annoy me. She climbed up here and there and everywhere I had climpingflowers- And then not knowing how to come down. But most of the time she is very sweet.

So at least we have got real summerweather and I' m enjoying it, but maybe not tomorrow and during the weekend, because I'll work three evenings in row. It's entairly different story to work or to be off and do nothing. I'm very good with not doing anything. Usually I read, books, magazines and blogs or sit and chat with friends and neighbours. I don't need to water my garden or vegetableplot yet, thanks to claysoil and very wet june.

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